The best online OGG to DV conversion

Convert any video file from OGG to DV in a few easy steps using this free online tool. Our converter saves your time as well as the quality of every converted file.

Step by step OGG to DV conversion

We created trustworthy OGG to DV online converter that is easy to use. In just 3 steps you can convert and download any video file as many times as you want.

Upload OGG file


Use a 'drag and drop' method to upload your OGG file or add a link to it.

Converting OGG to DV


Press the 'Start conversion' button, and OGG to DV conversion will start.

Download converted DV file


As soon as the 'Download' button appears, download your DV video files.

OGG Converter

What is a OGG file?

OGG is a free, open container format that provides efficient streaming and manipulation of high-quality digital multimedia. It contains various elements such as audio, video, subtitles, and metadata, and can multiplex several independent streams for them. You can open or edit this type of file using different programs. If you are a Windows device owner, you can use VLC, Windows Media Player, Miro, MPlayer, Xion Audio Player, Audials One, and Adobe Audition for this purpose. But if you are a Mac user, you should probably use Roxio Toast and Elmedia Player. Plus, you can always convert OGG files to some other format and make it available on every device.

DV Converter

What is a DV file?

DV is a file format specially designed for digital videos. This type of file is created with a digital camera and saved using a standard raw file format. Every DV file uses an intra-frame compression to simplify editing. You can edit or open DV files using following programs: File Viewer Plus, Apple QuickTime Player, Adobe Flash Professional CC, Roxio Creator NXT Pro 7, CyberLink PowerDirector 15 Ultra, CyberLink PowerDVD 17, Microsoft Windows Movie Maker, VideoLAN VLC media player, MPlayer, Apple iMovie 10, Eltima Elmedia Player, Roxio Popcorn, etc. Another thing about DV files is that they use lossy compression of video, while audio stays uncompressed.

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