Terms Of Service

Terms of service define a set of rules upon which converter365.com provides and makes available its online services for all users. If you are taking any action on converter365.com, including browsing, clicking, or using our services, you automatically agree to terms of service. We remain the right to change, revise, or update our terms of service without notice when we conclude it's necessary. The information about the newest updates, you can find on this page with the exact date of applied changes. If you don't agree with any of the following terms for using online services of converter365.com, do not access them.

About available online services of Converter365.com

Converter365.com offers online services that enable users to change file formats in the following categories Image, Vector, Presentation, Document, Audio, Video, Archive, E-Book, and Spreadsheet. Specific formats users can also convert to formats from another category. The conversion process of converter365.com is fast, secure, and free.

Converter365.com establishes rules about the number of available free daily conversions per user, supported file size for upload, number of files to convert simultaneously. Also, how many times can a user access the conversion process, and how long will the data remain on our servers, and when we will remove them from our servers.

Converter365.com remains the right to change or stop providing any of the supported services.

Responsibility for data

While we make our top priority to provide impeccable services to all our users, converter365.com is not unsusceptible to errors. However, converter365.com is not responsible for loss or backing up your data, deletion or corruption of information or content in your files, or any damage of user files during upload and conversion process.

It is your responsibility to make sure to make backup copies of your files or archive as accident deletion, or loss of data could happen while using our services.


Violation of intellectual property while using services of converter365.com is prohibited. We do not condone this behavior and expect our users to respect other people's work and intellectual property.

That's why we do not allow sharing, copying, modification, transfer, public display, or use of copyrighted files, and consider this infringement of rightful owner's rights.

Users of converter365.com services agree to access, use, and upload files at their own risk. We do not monitor, open, or access manually to the user's content or data, and we don't hold any liability for damages resulted from our services or information.

We also do not provide warranties for the accuracy of any hyperlinks or content from marketing materials found on converter365.com.

Proprietary rights

Converter365.com retains all proprietary rights of its services, information, logos, graphics, sounds, GUI, software, or any other material on the converter365.com, which are protected by the law of the United States and other countries.

The use of our services is permitted only as described in our terms of service.


Converter365.com owns the legal right to all trademarks, names, logos, graphics, content, service marks, trade name, and other materials users can see or access on its website except for third-party ads and content.

Rights for third party websites in some way connected with converter365.com own third parties involved. For terms of service of third parties, check out their terms directly on their website.

Users can not use any of the trademarks mentioned without the author's and owner's written approval.

General Prohibitions

To be able to use converter365.com online services, you are under obligation to provide appropriate hardware and software for the use of our online services. Users must secure backup data and have up-to-date antivirus software.

Users commit to transmitting and uploading files that are in no conflict with the law, copyrights, in third party possession, or in any way offensive. Users have the responsibility for the content and accuracy of uploaded data.

Converter365.com strongly prohibits users from testing, scanning, and probing or, in any way, taking harm, misuse, or duplicate converter365.com.

Converter365.com will act on any violation of its terms of service with the use of international laws.

Third-party links

While browsing or using converter365.com services, you may stumble upon third party websites or links. Converter365.com is not responsible for the content, information, or any action on these websites and, in any way, endorses and relates with third party links. We are also not responsible for the security or eventual errors connected to third party websites. For more information about these links, check out their corresponding terms of service and privacy policy. Users visit and click these links at your own risk.

Disclaimer of Warranties

Converter365.com does not provide any guarantee of the availability of its online services, content, or information, nor it's responsible for the loss of user data, non-secure transmissions, errors, or interrupted access. Converter365.com does not warrant, endorse, or can be held accountable for the content, information, links, or anything connected to the third party links found on the converter365.com website. You use converter365.com services at your own risk. Converter365.com reserves the right to modify, change, remove or discontinue any part of its service without notice to its users.

Refund Policy

We encourage you to carefully review the refund terms and fully evaluate the free version of our service before purchasing any subscription.

Customers using Converter365 are responsible for thoroughly testing our service before purchasing any premium package, as well as managing their subscriptions, including cancellations.

We may provide a refund if a Converter365 customer has a valid reason to request one.

To apply for a refund, the user should submit a claim that includes at least the following information:
1. The specific date and time of the incident prompting the refund request;
2. The rationale behind the user's refund request.

Please note that refunds will not be issued in the following situations:
1. Errors occur while trying to convert password-protected documents or archives.
2. Experiencing problems when converting password-protected files or archives.
3. Dissatisfaction with the video conversion speed. Be aware that converting a Full HD video from one format to another may take up to half the video's actual duration. Lower resolutions may perform faster. Our service fully re-encodes video and audio streams rather than simply changing the video container.
4. Attempts to convert corrupted files that cannot be opened by their native applications. We strive to convert even seemingly hopeless cases, but if a file is entirely unreadable (e.g., missing header or moov atom in a video file), there is nothing we can do.
5. Dissatisfaction with the upload speed when attempting to convert large files (usually video). Please note that upload speed is beyond our control and depends on your internet connection's upload bandwidth or your internet service provider's (ISP) capabilities.
6. Disliking the service or no longer requiring it.
7. Having already converted a file larger than the free tier permits and downloaded the result, as this indicates that you have utilized the paid service.
8. Dissatisfaction with the features provided by our service or the absence of specific features.
9. Finding another service that you prefer.
10. Failing to cancel your subscription before the automatic renewal occurred.

We strongly recommend testing the free version of our service before purchasing any premium package.

Service Delivery Policy

Once we receive your order, we will carry out the services according to the terms and conditions relevant to the specific services you purchased. Factors such as the type of services acquired and the purchase date may affect the delivery timeline. The services will be considered successfully delivered to you upon the completion of the requested tasks.


Converter365.com is not liable for any damages, failures of service, delays, or any defects in general, that resulted or are in connection to its online services, content, information, or third party links found on the website. Even if we are aware of the possibility, any of such events occur. We are not liable for numerous factors that can affect our services but are out of our control and jurisdiction.

Limitations on use

Users of converter365.com are obliged to transmit information or materials that are not false, corrupted, in breach of the law, in any way offensive or violate proprietary or copyrights of any subject or authority. While using converter365.com, users must respect the state, federal, and international law.

Limitation of liability

You use converter365.com and its online services at your sole risk. If you are dissatisfied with functionality or any part of the provided service, please contact us or report a problem. We will do our best to correct the issue and help you with your question. However, if this doesn't help you or you have further problems with converter365.com, the only solution is to discontinue using our services.

Confidential information

You warrant to converter365.com that you are not going to use any material or information to compete against converter365.com in its business and that you are not a competitor. You will also guarantee that you don't use converter365.com services to any abuse. If you have any questions regarding converter365.com, contact us or visit the FAQ page.

Final Clause

If any part of converter365.com Terms of Service is considered invalid, the maintaining part will not be affected.

Search for supported converters

We enable our users' various options for a format to format conversions. With our search tool, you can find out is the format conversion supported. Type in the file format you want to convert and target format to verify that the conversion is possible.