Spreadsheet converter for any existing format

Our free and online tool is perfect for every spreadsheet conversion you can imagine. You can convert files from one format to another in the same category, or you can convert your documents to a completely different category. From spreadsheet to archive, a spreadsheet to images, spreadsheet to document file, you name it, we convert it.

All you need to know about spreadsheet file formats

Spreadsheets are all about horizontal rows, vertical columns, and cells. Besides storing data, every piece of information saved in the spreadsheet can be analyzed using formulas and calculations. For example, you can store information about a certain employe in one company. Each column can contain data such as name, address, phone number, date of birth, favorite food, etc. In that way, you are using a spreadsheet as a database. However, the spreadsheet can show its full potential when it comes to storing and analyzing any kind of information that includes numbers. That's why they are mostly used in the financial and scientific sectors. The most common format is Microsoft Exel, known as XLSX, but that's not the only extension in use.

XLSX Converter


This type of file was created for storing data in 2007 by Microsoft, and it's one of the most popular formats of an Office package. It keeps data in cells, which are part of worksheets. You can store one or more worksheets in one document called the workbook. The XLSX file can analyze a huge amount of information using different mathematical formulas. You don't have Microsoft Office package, but still want to use this format? Well, there are a few things you can do about it. First, you could install the free Microsoft Office Exel Viewer. Just don't forget that it is for viewing only. Also, you could use WPS Office Spreadsheets, OpenOffice Calc, LibreOffice Calc, or Apple Numbers if you are a MAC user. Or you could just convert your files following three simple steps with our free online tool.

CSV Converter


Comma Separated Values file or just CSV is a plain text file. It contains numbers and letters only. Don't get us wrong, there are still various tables and forms included. CSV file format is mostly used to exchange a large amount of data between different applications. To open and edit CSV files, you have to use some kind of Spreadsheet software, such as OpenOffice Calc or WPS Office Spreadsheets. You can also use Google Sheets to manipulate information in any CSV file. The only difference is that all changes are online if you use this Google feature. Another option is downloading additional software. But, the easiest and the fastest way for you to change data inside the document is to use this spreadsheet converter.

ET Converter


ET is a WPS Office's spreadsheet program similar to Microsoft's XLSX format. It supports charts and different formulas, and store data in cells. Unless you have a WPS Office Spreadsheets, you won't be able to use ET files without converting them to another format. Also, some ET documents might be encrypted, so you'll have to use a password to unlock it. However, it is possible to open encrypted ET files if you convert them to a supported format that is readable with an Excel password cracker.

ODS Converter


This type of file format that can contain information such as text, charts, pictures, formulas and numbers. All data is stored within the confines of a sheet full of cells. Good news is that ODS files can be opend with free Calc program that's part of the OpenOffice suite. You can also use this file format with a suite similar to OpenOffice, such as LibreOffice and Calligra Sute. Another not so free tool you can use is Microsoft Exel, but if you want a free option then just use our online converter.

XLSM Converter


Excel Macro-Enabled Workbook file is almost identical to the XLSX file, but the XLSM file can execute embedded macros that are programed in VBA language. It uses XML architecture and ZIP compression to store data into cells. This type of file can easily open and edit using Microsoft Exel, OpenOffice Calc, and WPS Office Spreadsheets. If you want to use your XLSM files online, you can do it with Google Sheets. Last but not least, you can convert your documents with the highest possible conversion quality using our spreadsheet converter.

XLS Converter


This type of file was created before XLSX and can store pieces of information such as text, images, charts, and more. The part about rows, columns, and cells is the same as in the previously mentioned formats. You can always open XLS files with Microsoft Excel or Excel Viewer. You can also manipulate information inside documents using free alternatives like WPS Office and OpenOffice Calc. In case you want to edit XLS files online, do it in the Chrome browser with Office Editing for Docs, Sheets, and Slides extension. Or, you can just convert files to another format with our converter.

How to use this free and online spreadsheet converter?

We did our best to make every file to file conversion as easy as possible. We are certain that we did it quite successfully. A three-step process is quite easy, don't you think so? That's it! Your job with uploaded files is done! If you want to convert any more files to another format or even to another file category, repeat the steps.

Upload spreadsheet file


The first step in your conversion file process is uploading files. Upload your spreadsheets into the upload box directly from the computer, or use a 'drag and drop', or just add a link to it.

Converting spreadsheet files


The next step is conversion. Choose the format you want to convert your files in, and press the 'Convert' button. Then, wait a few moments.

Download converted file


After the conversion is finished, it's time to download your freshly converted files. Press the 'Download' button, and your files will be on your PC in a bit.

The most used spreadsheet formats

The type of files in the spreadsheet category are quite similar and we can easily say that they are equally used. Sure, we are all familiar with the Microsoft Excel files, but those who use it on a daily bases will understand the true difference between every extension. Regardless of your file format knowledge, here are the most used spreadsheet formats, just in case you need a hand with the conversions. Whether you choose , there will be no mistakes, because every one of them gets the job done.

Other extensions are used for spreadsheets as well, and here they are

In different circumstances, we use a different type of files. In certain cases, we need to create a spreadsheet and choose between , and in the others, we need all the information from the spreadsheet stored in other file categories. The quickest way to change one format to another is to convert your files. And the best conversion you can get is with our converter. Upload files, convert, and download them. It's that easy.

Sometimes, all you need is to convert any spreadsheet to the document file. Don't worry, we got your back. Just choose which format is the most suitable for you: ABW, DJVU, DOC, DOCM, DOCX, DOT, DOTX, HTML, LWP, MD, ODT, PAGES, PDF, RST, RTF, SDW, TEX, TXT, WPD, WPS, ZABW and STW. Did you know that it's possible to convert a spreadsheet file to an image? Well, you can, and here are all formats you can choose from: 3FR, ARW, BMP, CR2, CRW, DCR, DNG, EPS, ERF, GIF, HEIC, ICNS, ICO, JPEG, JPG, MOS, MRW, NEF, ODD, ORF, PEF, PNG, PPM, PS, PSD, RAF, RAW, TIF, TIFF, WEBP, X3F, XCF, XPS and JFIF.

Compressing files comes in handy when you want to save storage space. Luckily, you can do that with spreadsheet files as well. All you have to do is choose archive file extension from the following: 7Z, ACE, ALZ, ARC, ARJ, BZ, BZ2, CAB, CPIO, DEB, DMG, GZ, IMG, ISO, JAR, LHA, LZ, LZMA, LZO, RAR, RPM, RZ, TAR, TAR.7Z, TAR.BZ, TAR.BZ2, TAR.GZ, TAR.LZO, TAR.XZ, TAR.Z, TBZ, TBZ2, TGZ, TZ, TZO, XZ, Z and ZIP.


If you are not sure about using our converter, or if you have any problems with the files, let us know. If you are not a fan of asking questions, read the most frequent dilemmas our users had.

Is this online converter free?

This spreadsheet converter is completely free, and you don't have to pay a dime to use it. There is no need to leave any personal pieces of information, such as your name or e-mail address, either.

With this converter, all your files are safe. All uploaded information and documents are deleted in less than a minute after you download them. This means that we don't store any of your data, and your files are completely safe with us.

There could be a few reasons for this:

  • your connection might be unstable;
  • your files are too big (keep in mind that the file size limit is 200MB per file);
  • uploading of your files just takes more time;
  • the progress bar got stuck due to file size or poor connection.

If you think that none of the above is the reason for an error, be free to write to us at hello@converter365.com.

There are a few reasons for this particular problem. For example, the converter might not recognize the source format. Please check if the uploaded file is the right format at all. Next, it could happen that some codecs inside a file format container can't be converted. If you used URL to upload your files, check if the address is the one from the file, not from a website itself. Or it could be a problem with the download link you provided.

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