Do you have any questions about our converter? You can write to us about your dilemmas at hello@converter365.com or check out the answers to the most frequently asked questions.

What kind of file formats are supported by this converter?

With Converter365.com, you can convert different file extensions from any file category, including documents, images, e-books, archives, audios, videos, presentations, spreadsheets, and vectors.

How many files can I convert?

You can convert as much as files you want as long as they are not larger than 200 MB per conversion. Upload your files, convert them from one file format to another, and download. Then, repeat the process as many times as you wish because our converter allows you unlimited conversions.

What is the maximum size of files that I can upload using this converter?

Our converter allows you to upload documents up to 200MB per conversion.

I can’t upload my files, what should I do?

There are a few reasons for this problem. First, your file size is bigger than allowed (remember, all files should be up to 200 MB). If this is not the case, there could be a problem with your Internet connection. If the signal is weak, your files are going to take more time to upload. In that case, try to do the upload process from the beginning, and if you still have problems with it, write to us at hello@converter365.com.

How many times can I download my files?

You can download your converted files as many times as you want. Just remember that our algorithm deletes all uploaded files after 30 minutes from conversion.

I can’t find my downloaded file, where is it?

After the conversion, the download link for converted files appears. It means that the download link which contains files will appear, not the files itself in any physical form.

I can’t convert my files, what should I do?

There are a few different reasons for this particular problem. For example, the converter might not recognize the source format. Next, it could happen that some codecs inside a file format container that can't be converted. Another problem can occur, and this refers to your URL. If you used URL to upload your files, check if the address is the one from the file you want to convert, and not from a website itself. Or it could be a problem with the download link you provided. Maybe it is not accessible by this converter. If you have any additional questions, write to us at hello@converter365.com.

Does this converter works on every Mac and Windows?

Converter365.com is an online tool, and it means that as long as you have an Internet connection, you can convert any files, regardless of the type of device you’re using.

Is this converter safe?

Converter365.com is an entirely safe tool. We take your privacy and your files pretty seriously. You don’t have to leave any personal information to use this converter. Besides, our converter deletes all your uploaded files in less than one hour after the conversion.

Do I have to pay any kind of fee to use this converter?

Our converter is completely free for all users, and you don't have to pay any fees to use it.

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We enable our users' various options for a format to format conversions. With our search tool, you can find out is the format conversion supported. Type in the file format you want to convert and target format to verify that the conversion is possible.