Free converter for all e-book formats

This completely free tool enables you to convert any e-book file to a different format in no time. We guarantee you the safety of all uploaded files and personal information. We're sure that the user-friendly interface and the best possible conversion quality will "sweep you off your feet" after every use. And you'll love it even more because this e-book converter is quite fast too.

Don't judge a book by its file format - convert it!

There are various e-book file formats and some of them are made just for a specific type of device or operating system. For example, EPUB extension is compatible with any iPod, iPhone, or Mac device. All of the mentioned have one more thing in common, and that's IBA. But this one is slightly less compatible with different e-readers.

On the other hand, MOBI, AZW, and AZW3 are the most used ones from Amazon. All these files are quite similar, but they are not fully compatible with all devices. Next, we have one of the most used formats worldwide - PDF. The only downside of this well-known type of file is the lack of reflowing. In case you're wondering, reflowing is a file ability to adapt its presentation according to the size of a screen.

There's also a TXT file format. This type of extension is an ASCII text-formatted data used for storing plain text files. TXT can be used for data that contains different formats, letter colors, text sizes, backgrounds, etc. Digital magazines use formats such as FLASH and HTML. It allows them to easily create content because of its cross-platform compatibility. Another plus is their ability to provide multimedia support and hyperlink content to different internal and external sources.

We're done mentioning the most famous ones, but there are a few less-common formats you can also bump into. First, there are LRS, LRF and LRX, formats created by Sony. The same company abandoned them in favor of EPUB, but they can still be found and used in some cases. Then, we have FB2. This format is mostly used among e-book collectors because it has the ability to metadata within the e-book itself. How cool is that?

Some file formats are absolute favorites in specific branches, such as science. We're talking about DJVU, of course. This is no surprise because DJVU format can store more than 100 black and white scans in less than a megabyte. Plus, it has a compression 10 times better than PDF.

One more file format is worth mentioning, and that's the Rich Text Format known as RFT. It has an advantage over the standard TXT because of its ability to retain special characters. Also, it supports reflowing and text formatting. Not bad, do you agree?

At the end of a day, and regardless of the format, you can convert any e-book file using our free online converter specially made for this type of documents. So, if you're not comfortable with one specific type of format, do a little file conversion, and that's it.

How to use this awesome e-book converter?

We assume you want to convert your e-books as fast as possible. That's why we made our free online tool easy to use and super fast. Not only that you can choose a format of a new file, you can convert it in just three steps.
Upload ebook file


First, you have to upload your e-book files into the upload box directly from the computer, you can 'drag and drop' it, or you can add a link to it.

Converting ebook files


Next, it's conversion time! To start converting previously uploaded files, press the 'Start conversion' button. After that, wait for a few moments for conversion to finished.

Download converted file


In the end, download new e-book files and enjoy reading to your favorite chapters. And yes, it's that simple.

Archive Converter

The most popular formats

As we previously mentioned, the most popular formats used are EPUB, MOBI, AZW, AZW3, and good old PDF. For most of the e-readers, these extensions are usable. But in case they are not, you can always convert them to some other equally "famous" e-book format. The real truth is - you only need to worry about EPUB, MOBI, and AZW file formats.

Why? The answer is simple. If you want to build a sizeable e-book library on your PC, compatible with most e-readers, stick with EPUB. On the other hand, if you want to create a collection of Kindle-specific books, choose MOBI. Or you can save files with the AWZ extension in that case as well.

What other extensions are used for e-books?

Sure, you can convert files from one e-book extension too another. You just have to choose one of the following as your final result: . But did you know that you can convert them to other categories? Well, you can. All e-books can become any document, image, and an archive file and all you have to do is to choose which extension you should use.

When it comes to document file formats, you can choose from ABW, DJVU, DOC, DOCM, DOCX, DOT, DOTX, HTML, LWP, MD, ODT, PAGES, PDF, RST, RTF, SDW, TEX, TXT, WPD, WPS, ZABW and STW.

In case you want to make beautiful images out of your e-book, you can do that too. Just choose one of the following file formats: 3FR, ARW, BMP, CR2, CRW, DCR, DNG, EPS, ERF, GIF, HEIC, ICNS, ICO, JPEG, JPG, MOS, MRW, NEF, ODD, ORF, PEF, PNG, PPM, PS, PSD, RAF, RAW, TIF, TIFF, WEBP, X3F, XCF, XPS and JFIF.

Last but not least, you can compress an e-book file to an archive file extension. Here are all formats you could use: 7Z, ACE, ALZ, ARC, ARJ, BZ, BZ2, CAB, CPIO, DEB, DMG, GZ, IMG, ISO, JAR, LHA, LZ, LZMA, LZO, RAR, RPM, RZ, TAR, TAR.7Z, TAR.BZ, TAR.BZ2, TAR.GZ, TAR.LZO, TAR.XZ, TAR.Z, TBZ, TBZ2, TGZ, TZ, TZO, XZ, Z and ZIP.

Why should you choose e-book instead of printed ones?

Some people love the smell of books, and some prefer the touch of a paper on their fingertips. But, for all those indecisive, here are some main reasons why you should choose an e-book over printed ones.

1. Accessibility

E-books can be downloaded and stored on various devices. That makes them accessible anytime and anywhere.

2. All books on one device

It's far harder for you to carry 10+ books around than to store them on your laptop, PC, or phone.

3. We're all heard that caring is sharing

You can share a printed book with one of your friends at a time. On the other hand, an e-book can be shared with many people at once.

4.Easy to read

Any e-reader comes with different features where you can adjust the brightness of the screen or size of your text. You must admit that those adjustments are extra points in favor of e-books.

5. Listen to your e-books

You don't have time to read? No problem, there is a "Read at loud" feature. This means you can listen to your favorite chapters while you're doing chores around the house. If you haven't tried reading e-books yet, give it a try. You might be surprised how appealing and relaxing they can be.


In case you have any questions about our converter, here are some of the most common ones. If you have any additional dilemmas, be free to ask. For every conversion, and uploaded file we got you covered.

Do I have to pay some kind of fee to convert my e-book files?

Our e-book converter is completely free, and you don't have to pay any fees to use it. You don't even have to leave any personal pieces of information, such as your name or e-mail address.

With this e-book converter, all your files are safe. We don't store your data, all uploaded pieces of information and documents are deleted in less than a minute after you download them. Also, you keep all copyrights and ownership of any file converted with our free online tool.

There could be a few reasons for this problem:

  • your connection might be unstable;
  • your files are too big (keep in mind that the file size limit is 200MB per file);
  • uploading of your files just takes more time;
  • the progress bar got stuck due to file size or poor connection.

If you think that none of the above is the reason for an error, be free to write to us at

There are a few reasons for this particular problem. For example, the converter might not recognize the source format. Please check if the uploaded file is an e-book at all. Next, it could happen that some codecs inside a file format container can't be converted. If you used URL to upload your files, check if the address is the one from the file, not from a website itself. Or it could be a problem with the download link you provided. Maybe it is not accessible by this e-book converter. If you have any additional questions don't hesitate, write to us at

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