Convert PPTM to SDA

Convert PPTM file to SDA or any other presentation format with the best free online converter. Take advantage of unlimited free conversions and convert all your PPTM presentation files in just a few moments.

How to convert PPTM to SDA?

If you want to convert your PPTM to SDA image, you are at right place! It's not just free and safe, it's very easy to use as well. No matter how many presentation files you need to convert, you are always only three steps away from it.

Upload PPTM file


Upload PPTM files you want to convert with the Add Files button or add a link to them with Add from URL button.

Converting PPTM to SDA


Begin converting your presentation PPTM files with pressing the Start conversion button.

Download converted SDA file


After just a few moments, you’ll get a link directly on the website to download your converted SDA presentation files.

PPTM Converter

What is a PPTM file?

Microsoft PowerPoint Open XML Macro-Enabled Presentation file is called PPTM file extension. Every PPTM file features a macro-enabled presentation created by the software. This type of file can contain text, images, movies, different sound effects, and embedded macros. They are quite similar to PPTX files, except they contain embedded macros. PPTM file extension uses the combination of an XML and ZIP compression to store and organize the data into single documents. You can open and edit PPTM files using PowerPoint, OpenOffice Impress, LibreOffice Impress, SoftMaker FreeOffice Presentations, or WPS Presentation. In case you only need to open PPTM files, you can use PowerPoint Viewer.

SDA Converter

What is a SDA file?

Drawing or diagram created in Apache OpenOffice Draw is saved with an SDA file extension. This type of file contains a drawn vector object, but it supports raster graphics as well. It means that the SDA file can be used for storing charts, flowcharts, network diagrams, and similar types of drawings. SDA file extension is compatible with software that can be installed on Linux, Mac OS, or Windows system platform. The most famous ones are Apache OpenOffice, LibreOffice, StarOffice, and NeoOffice. In case you can’t open your files, regardless of the extra software, you can always convert them to another file format.

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