ORF to ICNS converter for your favorite photos

This online tool will help you to convert files from ORF to ICNS or to any other image format. It's safe, easy to use, and completely free. Plus, you can convert as many files as you want.

How to convert ORF to ICNS - step by step explanation

If you want to convert your ORF to ICNS image, you are at right place! It's not just free and safe, it's very easy to use as well. No matter how many image files you need to convert, you are always only three steps away from it.

Upload ORF file


Upload ORF files directly from your computer or add a link to them.

Converting ORF to ICNS


After uploading files, click the 'Start conversion' button and wait for the conversion process to finish.

Download converted ICNS file


It's time to download your ICNS image files. Just click the 'Download' button and get your photos.

ORF Converter

What is a ORF file?

ORF format or Olympus Raw Format is a proprietary Olympus format for unprocessed images with data directly from the camera sensor. As do most raw formats, the ORF file is not intended for viewing, printing, or sending. Its primary purpose is to provide easier photo manipulation before you can convert it to a more usable format such as JPEG or TIFF. Olympus provides proprietary software for opening ORF format for specific camera types and different versions. However, if you don’t have this software, it is possible to open and edit ORF format with the following apps Able RAWer, Corel AfterShot, Adobe Photoshop, Photo Viewer in Windows OS, and some other editing image software.

ICNS Converter

What is a ICNS file?

ICNS file format is an Apple Icon Image format that Mac OS users use to customize the appearance of their icons in Finder and OS X dock. Apple Inc. is the developer of this format. ICNS files on Mac OS are in most ways similar to ICO files on Windows. Usually, ICNS format works with one or more images in one file that is created from a PNG image. To open the ICNS file, you can use Folder Icon X and Apple Preview on Mac, while on Windows, there are apps such as Inkscape and XnView that support handling ICNS format.

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