Convert AZW3 to TXTZ

With this free online converter, you can convert your AZW3 files to TXTZ an unlimited number of times daily. With support for large ebook files and batch conversions, this is the best option for converting AZW3 to TXTZ.

How to convert the AZW3 file to TXTZ format?

AZW3 converter offers premium service and an easy way to convert your files. Just follow these three steps, and you’ll convert your files on your first try.

Upload AZW3 file


Add your AZW3 file for conversion by using the Add files button or Add from URL button to add a link to your file.

Converting AZW3 to TXTZ


Use left-click on the Start conversion button.

Download converted TXTZ file


Wait a few moments to download your converted TXTZ ebook files.

AZW3 Converter

What is a AZW3 file?

Digital documents saved in an e-book format known as Kindle Format 8 or KF8 are AZW3 files. It is another Amazon file format that contains text, images, links, other media files, text formatting attributes, and metadata information. In case this file format sounds familiar, it’s because you’ve probably heard about AZW already. Well, AZW3 is an update of a previously mentioned extension. If you are a proud owner of this file format, you can open your files using Amazon Kindle for PC, Kindle Previewer, Calibre, and similar e-book viewers compatible with AZW3 format. Or, you can always convert this file extension to another more popular format such as PDF, EPUB, DOCX, or RTF.

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