The best online MPG to PEF conversion

Convert any video file from MPG to PEF in a few easy steps using this free online tool. Our converter saves your time as well as the quality of every converted file.

Step by step MPG to PEF conversion

We created trustworthy MPG to PEF online converter that is easy to use. In just 3 steps you can convert and download any video file as many times as you want.

Upload MPG file


Use a 'drag and drop' method to upload your MPG file or add a link to it.

Converting MPG to PEF


Press the 'Start conversion' button, and MPG to PEF conversion will start.

Download converted PEF file


As soon as the 'Download' button appears, download your PEF video files.

MPG Converter

What is a MPG file?

MPG file is one of the most popular video files that use a digital format standardized by the Moving Picture Experts Group. It is used for storing video, audio, and metadata interleaved together in one stream for efficient deliverability. They usually store MPEG-1 or MPEG-2 audio and video compression. MPEG-1 is designed to compress VHS-quality video and CD audio with a resolution of around 352 x 240, and 30 frames per second while MPEG-2 can capture information in 720 x 480 resolution and at higher bitrates than MPEG-1. MPG files are commonly distributed on the Internet and embedded unto different Web pages.

PEF Converter

What is a PEF file?

Pentax Electronic format or PEF represents a raw image format that can be created on Pentax Digital Cameras. Since PEF is a raw format, it contains all data collected from the camera sensor while taking a picture. PEF file acts similarly as the digital negative of an image. However, this means that PEF files are large and can’t be transferred or sent to other devices quickly. The most significant advantage of PEF files is that you can manipulate the image to your liking and then convert it to other more commonly used formats, such as JPEG. Image editing software such as AfterShot Pro, Adobe Photoshop, Able RAWer, UFRaw, Windows Live Photo Gallery, etc. can process, open, or edit PEF format with ease.

With our free tool, you can also convert PEF to any other video file


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