The best online CAVS to WEBP conversion

Convert any video file from CAVS to WEBP in a few easy steps using this free online tool. Our converter saves your time as well as the quality of every converted file.

Step by step CAVS to WEBP conversion

We created trustworthy CAVS to WEBP online converter that is easy to use. In just 3 steps you can convert and download any video file as many times as you want.

Upload CAVS file


Use a 'drag and drop' method to upload your CAVS file or add a link to it.

Converting CAVS to WEBP


Press the 'Start conversion' button, and CAVS to WEBP conversion will start.

Download converted WEBP file


As soon as the 'Download' button appears, download your WEBP video files.

CAVS Converter

What is a CAVS file?

CAVS video file format is mostly associated with the Audio Video Coding Standard of China, known as Chinese AVS Video. Chinese AVS video standard is well-known as an efficient coder for HDTV content. This format is not widely used nor supported on a PC. However, it is widely used for DVD-players and home theater systems all around China.

WEBP Converter

What is a WEBP file?

WebP is an innovative image format developed by Google in 2010 as an open standard. WebP format has support for lossless and lossy compressions for web images, metadata, transparency, color profile, and animation. Its advantage is that images in WebP format are up to 34% smaller than those in JPEG format with the same SSIM quality index. This feature is useful since it can make your website faster. To view the WebP file, you can use web browsers such as Google Chrome, Mozilla Firefox, Opera, and Microsoft Edge. However, to modify WebP files, you need graphics software such as GIMP, Picasa, XnView, ImageMagick, Irfan View, Microsoft Paint, etc.

With our free tool, you can also convert WEBP to any other video file


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