Convert SVG to DJVU

If you want to convert SVG to DJVU vector format the easy way, use our free online-based service. This converter is not only fast but also it supports the conversion of large SVG files.

How to convert the SVG file to DJVU format?

The simple design and three steps to convert your SVG graphics image make this converter easy to use. Check the instructions to convert your SVG to DJVU without a hassle.

Upload SVG file


Upload your SVG files with Add files button or add a link to them with Add from URL.

Converting SVG to DJVU


For the beginning of the conversion process, press on the Start conversion button.

Download converted DJVU file


After a few moments, download your converted DJVU vector file.

SVG Converter

What is a SVG file?

Scalable Vector Graphics file known as SVG extension is an XML-based text format that describes how the image should appear. It is used for two-dimensional graphics with support for animation and interactivity. Every SVG file can be searched, indexed, compressed, and scripted. That’s why different websites and print graphics are created in the SVG format. The SVG extension is not natively supported by Adobe Photoshop, Photoshop Elements, and InDesign, but after downloading the additional plug-in, it will become available for use. You can also open or edit this type of file using CorelDRAW Graphics Suite, Inkscape, GIMP, Corel PaintShop, CADSoftTools, etc.

DJVU Converter

What is a DJVU file?

DJVU format supports high resolution of scanned color book pages, magazines, catalogs, instruction manuals, and similar documents with a combination of text, photographs, line drawings, high-resolution color images, etc. AT&T Labs developed open DJVU format in 1998 to provide high-quality images that have a smaller size in comparison to PDF format be available on the web. In DJVU files, images and text are separated in different layers and compressed individually, which allows you to copy and search the text. Many free tools support DJVU formats such as WinDjView, DjView, MacDjView, Okular, Evince, etc., but also an online tool DocsPal that can run on any OS.

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