Convert CGM to JPEG

If you want to convert CGM to JPEG vector format the easy way, use our free online-based service. This converter is not only fast but also it supports the conversion of large CGM files.

How to convert the CGM file to JPEG format?

The simple design and three steps to convert your CGM graphics image make this converter easy to use. Check the instructions to convert your CGM to JPEG without a hassle.

Upload CGM file


Upload your CGM files with Add files button or add a link to them with Add from URL.

Converting CGM to JPEG


For the beginning of the conversion process, press on the Start conversion button.

Download converted JPEG file


After a few moments, download your converted JPEG vector file.

CGM Converter

What is a CGM file?

CGM or Computer Graphics Metafile is a vector graphic file commonly used for CAD drawings. This file format is encoded with one of three different methods. The first one is the so-called binary encoding. It enables software programs to read all files quickly and efficiently. The second one is a character-based encoding that produces the smallest possible file size and saves storage space while allowing faster data transfers. The third one is a clear-text encoding that lets users read and modify the file’s content. CGM files are compatible with TurboCAD, ACD System Canvas, CorelDRAW, Corel PaintShop, Autodesk AutoCAD, Adobe Illustrator, AppleWorks, PTC Creo View Express, etc.

JPEG Converter

What is a JPEG file?

Joint Photographic Experts Group developed a digital image standard with the name formed from their acronym JPEG in 1992. Contrary to frequent misconception, there is no difference between JPG and JPEG format except in their name. JPEG is even now still the most common format used for storing, sharing, transferring, viewing, modifying, etc. digital images across the world. Also, JPEG is the default image format on social media, web, and pretty much on every device; there is an app that can successfully open, edit, or create a JPEG file. JPEG has lossy compression based on DCT (Discrete Cosine Transform) that allows variable compression, which can reduce the size of an image up to ten times without noticeable difference in quality. However, opening, editing, saving an image in JPEG format is going to affect the image quality, which is going to degrade after each modification.

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