MRW to DOCX converter for your favorite photos

This online tool will help you to convert files from MRW to DOCX or to any other image format. It's safe, easy to use, and completely free. Plus, you can convert as many files as you want.

How to convert MRW to DOCX - step by step explanation

If you want to convert your MRW to DOCX image, you are at right place! It's not just free and safe, it's very easy to use as well. No matter how many image files you need to convert, you are always only three steps away from it.

Upload MRW file


Upload MRW files directly from your computer or add a link to them.

Converting MRW to DOCX


After uploading files, click the 'Start conversion' button and wait for the conversion process to finish.

Download converted DOCX file


It's time to download your DOCX image files. Just click the 'Download' button and get your photos.

MRW Converter

What is a MRW file?

MRW format is a raw image format created with Minolta Dimage digital camera and Konica Minolta. Even though Sony acquired all Minolta’s technologies in 2006, it should be noted that Minolta cameras were innovative when they first appeared with an integrated autofocus system and interchangeable lens called A-mount. Also, in the MRW file, the data gathered from the camera sensor is stored in an uncompressed format. There are still apps that can handle MRW files on Windows, Mac, and other operating systems such as Adobe Photoshop, Adobe Photoshop Elements, Apple Photos, Corel Draw, Google Picasa, Microsoft Windows Photos, etc.

DOCX Converter

What is a DOCX file?

Since software version 2007 of Microsoft Word DOCX (Office Open XML) is the default format when saving a file. In comparison to previous binary-based DOC format, DOCX is XML based, and it’s advanced in every way to its predecessor. DOCX files have a smaller size that is easy to transfer, high quality compressed images, the slighter possibility of data corruption, etc. Additionally, DOCX is an open standard. Because of this, DOCX is one of the leading document formats that are also compatible with free word processing software such as LibreOffice Writer, Microsoft Office Word Online, OpenOffice Writer, AbiWord, GoogleDocs, etc. Basic features of DOCX format include storing text, images, tables, charts, and more.

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