Convert TCR to 7Z

With this free online converter, you can convert your TCR files to 7Z an unlimited number of times daily. With support for large ebook files and batch conversions, this is the best option for converting TCR to 7Z.

How to convert the TCR file to 7Z format?

TCR converter offers premium service and an easy way to convert your files. Just follow these three steps, and you’ll convert your files on your first try.

Upload TCR file


Add your TCR file for conversion by using the Add files button or Add from URL button to add a link to your file.

Converting TCR to 7Z


Use left-click on the Start conversion button.

Download converted 7Z file


Wait a few moments to download your converted 7Z ebook files.

TCR Converter

What is a TCR file?

Files with a TCR extension are e-books. This type of file format has been developed by Psion Teklogix, for the use of their Psion Series 3 devices to be precise. These devices and the proprietary TCR format have been developed in the 1990s. Since then, they have been abandoned in favor of more popular and widely supported e-book formats. However, there are still some mobile and desktop readers that can handle, open, and display TCR e-book files. Like any e-book files, this one can also contain the text of the e-book. The only difference is that TCR is very basic and with limited formatting.

Convert 7Z to different formats


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