Convert CHM to DOTX

With this free online converter, you can convert your CHM files to DOTX an unlimited number of times daily. With support for large ebook files and batch conversions, this is the best option for converting CHM to DOTX.

How to convert the CHM file to DOTX format?

CHM converter offers premium service and an easy way to convert your files. Just follow these three steps, and you’ll convert your files on your first try.

Upload CHM file


Add your CHM file for conversion by using the Add files button or Add from URL button to add a link to your file.

Converting CHM to DOTX


Use left-click on the Start conversion button.

Download converted DOTX file


Wait a few moments to download your converted DOTX ebook files.

CHM Converter

What is a CHM file?

Compiled HTML file format is used by Microsoft’s HTML-based help program. It is also known as CHM extension. This type of file format is created to help the contents of an associated application. It often includes text, images, and hyperlinks. CHM files are also used as an online solution for software documentation and Windows programs. This file format supports data compression using LZX, the ability to merge multiple help files, and built-in search engines. You can easily open CHM files using File Viewer Plus and Microsoft HTML Help Executable. The CHM viewer program provides a lot of powerful features for easy navigation through the entire help file, which is extremely important for the end-user.

DOTX Converter

What is a DOTX file?

To create files with DOTX extension, you need word processing program Microsoft Word 2007 or later version. As a newer version of DOT format, DOTX files have an Open XML component that allows them to be relatively smaller in comparison to DOT files.DOTX files usually have a pre-formatted layout, fonts, styles, toolbars, images, objects, and any relevant settings that users can change to their liking. These templates can be used to swiftly create specific documents such as business letters, forms, resumes, etc. If you want to create custom settings for your version of the DOTX template, you can use the default template in Microsoft Word - Normal.dotx.

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