Convert every document from TXT to X3F

We created a reliable TXT to X3F converter that provides the best possible conversion quality out there. Convert your document files from one format to another free, online, and without download any additional software.

Convert TXT to X3F documents in these 3 steps

This trustworthy TXT to X3F converter has 3 steps for this particular one as well as any other document file conversion. Upload files, convert them, and download. That's it!

Upload TXT file


Upload your TXT files first. You can use 'drag and drop' to upload box or add a link to it.

Converting TXT to X3F


Next, click the 'Start conversion' button, and wait for TXT to X3F conversion to finish.

Download converted X3F file


In the end, download your freshly converted X3F document files.

TXT Converter

What is a TXT file?

TXT or Text files can be opened or modified on text terminals or basic text editors, such as Notepad and WordPad on Windows operating systems. TXT files support almost none formatting options, not even bold or italic styles, at all except plain text. Because TXT files are the definition of simplicity, they are mostly used for storing information. However, one of the disadvantages of storing data within TXT files is low entropy. That means TXT files occupy more storage space than they should concerning the amount of data they have. TXT file that contains no data is called zero-byte-file.

X3F Converter

What is a X3F file?

When capturing an image with SIGMA digital camera, you can get pictures in the X3F format that is also familiar under the name Foveon X3 format. Since the X3F format collects data from Foveon X3 sensors, X3F files can contain image data, thumbnails, text information, and even preview images. X3F format has support on several high-end SIGMA digital cameras with Foveon X3 sensors. The most compatible software for opening and editing X3F files is without a doubt SIGMA Photo Pro. However, you can use Corel PaintShop Pro, CyberLink PhotoDirector, Adobe Photoshop, EZ Freeware Free Opener, etc. to open, modify and save the X3F file.

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