Convert every document from ODT to PPTM

We created a reliable ODT to PPTM converter that provides the best possible conversion quality out there. Convert your document files from one format to another free, online, and without download any additional software.

Convert ODT to PPTM documents in these 3 steps

This trustworthy ODT to PPTM converter has 3 steps for this particular one as well as any other document file conversion. Upload files, convert them, and download. That's it!

Upload ODT file


Upload your ODT files first. You can use 'drag and drop' to upload box or add a link to it.

Converting ODT to PPTM


Next, click the 'Start conversion' button, and wait for ODT to PPTM conversion to finish.

Download converted PPTM file


In the end, download your freshly converted PPTM document files.

ODT Converter

What is a ODT file?

As a royalty-free alternative to MS Word, OpenOffice contains a word processing program that creates files with the ODT (Open Document Text) extension. Technically, the ODT file is XML content in a ZIP container. Sun Microsystems, Inc. developed this software to provide a free set of programs that is compatible with any OS and can offer many of the same capabilities as MS but with an unbeatable price - free. That’s why ODT supports text, images, styles, shapes, charts, tables, and many more features. Not only are the ODT files concurrent, but also they are compatible with software such as Word, Google Docs, Writer, etc.With, ODT files can be easily converted to DOC, DOCX, or any of the document formats and more to be more accessible for editing purposes and compatibility with other programs.

PPTM Converter

What is a PPTM file?

Microsoft PowerPoint Open XML Macro-Enabled Presentation file is called PPTM file extension. Every PPTM file features a macro-enabled presentation created by the software. This type of file can contain text, images, movies, different sound effects, and embedded macros. They are quite similar to PPTX files, except they contain embedded macros. PPTM file extension uses the combination of an XML and ZIP compression to store and organize the data into single documents. You can open and edit PPTM files using PowerPoint, OpenOffice Impress, LibreOffice Impress, SoftMaker FreeOffice Presentations, or WPS Presentation. In case you only need to open PPTM files, you can use PowerPoint Viewer.

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